
Showing posts from October, 2017

Introduction to my poetry life

My name is Zipporah Burrell (AKA - poetry queen_ zippy) I have a passion for reading poems and writing poems from very young I decided at 10 years old that I had enough of reading them and doing nothing with the inspiration that I get so I started writing them another thing that inspired me to start writing poems is because I find it very difficult to express myself through speech but I find it very easy and more comfortable to write it down in songs or poems or even letters. through my poetry you would realise i am quite a deep thinker and can take on a lot of political issues that shouldn't really be my issue at this tender age. but not being able to hide from much situation and activity i use poetry as an outlet and escape route to help with my mental and physical health.  Some of the poems that I have read and that really inspires me is; Maya Angelou - I know why the caged bird sings Maya Angelou -phenomenal woman Those are my two favourite ones but there are many more tha